International negotiations on climate change resulted in a historic agreement in December 2015 in Paris called the "Paris Agreement"

The agreement, which entered into force on 04 November 2016, is based on the guidelines of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, which recommend the participation of all countries to substantially and sustainably reduce GHG emissions to limit the increase in temperature to less than 2C ° or even 1.5C ° by 2100.

In order to achieve this global and collaborative objective, but in a differentiated and appropriate way taking into account the context of each country, all involved countries to the UNFCCC were invited to set their numerical contributions through the submission of their INDC At the national level (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution). 188 countries have submitted their INDC. These contributions reflect a global transition to a low-GHG economy that can only be achieved on the basis of the involvement of developing countries in the climate change process and of financial support from developed to developing countries.

 Aware of the importance of the challenges associated with this problem, Tunisia, long before the ratification of the Paris Agreement, voluntarily joined the international efforts to fight climate change, particularly since the ratification of the UNFCCC 1993 and the Kyoto Protocol in 2003.

As a developing country, a party to the UNFCCC, Tunisia is committed, in a policy of energy transition and mitigation of GHG emissions, focusing more particularly on the improvement of Energy efficiency and the development of renewable energies.

This policy has recently been formalized and confirmed through the submission of Tunisia's INDC in September 2015 and its ratification of the Paris Agreement in February 2017. This INDC illustrates, therefore, the political commitment of Tunisia in the international process of mitigation of the climate change .Tunisia intends to reduce its GHG emissions in all sectors (energy, industrial processes, agriculture, forestry and other land uses, and waste) to reduce its carbon intensity by 45% in comparison to2010. The mitigation effort will come mainly from the energy sector, which alone accounts for 75%of national emission reductions.

  • 30%
    The scarcity of national natural resources along with the increase of energy demand leads Tunisia to initiate an energy transition process focusing on the increase of the share of renewable energies in the production of electricity in order to reach 12% by 2020 and 30% by 2030, in comparison to the current 3%. Indeed, the objective is to reach a renewable electric power of 3815 MW by 2030.
  • 45%
    International negotiations on climate change resulted in a historic agreement in December 2015 in Paris called the "Paris Agreement"
  • 35%
    Penetration rate of renewable energies in electricity production in 2030