Year of launch:: 

In Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants, electricity and heat can be generated and used simultaneously from the same primary energy source and within the same installation.  Power is generated from an alternator coupled to a heat engine or a turbine.  At the same time, heat is produced as a result of the recovery of the waste thermal energy released by the system.

A CHP project must ensure compliance with two essential points in order to optimize the use of fuel:  firstly, overall efficiency needs to exceed 60%;  secondly, the thermal recovery ratio must be equal to or greater than 50%.




ANME has involved the CHP sector’s various stakeholders in endorsing its proposals for promoting this technology.  The project has been presented to the CHP Prior Consultation Commission (Commission de Consultation Préalable de Cogénération – CCPC) made up of ANME, DGE and STEG – which has given its views on technical aspects of the project.

If a CHP project is judged energy-efficient under the terms of Decree 2000-3232 relating to cogeneration, ANME will issue the company with a certificate confirming the project’s energy efficiency credentials.  Companies wishing to develop CHP projects can benefit from grants of 70% of the cost of feasibility studies up to a ceiling of 30,000 DT and 20% of the cost of material investments up to a ceiling of 200,000 DT.

  • 30%
    The scarcity of national natural resources along with the increase of energy demand leads Tunisia to initiate an energy transition process focusing on the increase of the share of renewable energies in the production of electricity in order to reach 12% by 2020 and 30% by 2030, in comparison to the current 3%. Indeed, the objective is to reach a renewable electric power of 3815 MW by 2030.
  • 45%
    International negotiations on climate change resulted in a historic agreement in December 2015 in Paris called the "Paris Agreement"
  • 35%
    Penetration rate of renewable energies in electricity production in 2030