The energy audit programme has been the cornerstone of Tunisia’s energy management policy for more than thirty years. The programme is vital for raising awareness among economic operators, as well as for encouraging investment in energy management and the consequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy audits use research, analysis and monitoring to diagnose an organization’s energy consumption, with the aim of evaluating its energy performance. The audit is used to analyse the causes of any deficiencies and to propose corrective action.
Energy audits are mandatory for entities in the industrial sector with a total energy consumption equal to or greater than 800 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) per year. This obligation extends to organizations in the service and transport sectors with a total energy consumption equivalent to or greater than 500 toe per year. Energy audits remain valid for 5 years.
The energy audit must be carried out by an authorized expert auditor (a list of auditors for each sector may be obtained from ANME) according to ANME’s sector-specific standards. Given the mandatory nature of the audit, the relevant regulations impose financial penalties, varying between 20,000 DT and 50,000 DT, on those not complying. It should be noted that enterprises wishing to carry out energy audits in accordance with the procedures outlined below may benefit from a grant of 70% towards the cost of the audit (up to a ceiling of 30,000 DT).

ANME is the supervisory, support and quality control agency for the implementation of energy audits. ANME is involved in the following areas:
- Promoting the audit system by implementing information and awareness-raising campaigns targeting those economic operators and companies requiring energy audits;
- Ensuring the system’s proper functioning through setting up a quality control procedure for energy audits;
- Setting up a database of expert auditors, authorized to carry out energy audits on the organizations in each sector;
- Participating in the training and capacity building of the auditors in close collaboration with the relevant trades and professions.
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