As a result of their important economic, administrative and commercial activities, Tunisia’s large towns and cities are increasingly confronted with problems resulting from population concentrations, not least among which is the exponential growth of automobile use in metropolitan areas.
These urban areas have born the full brunt of the problems of travel. These problems could have a serious impact on the energy equilibrium and natural environment, if corrective measures for better travel management are not taken soon.
Managing urban travel is one of the major issues of national policy. The trend towards urban sprawl needs to be re-directed, as it is a major generator of increased traffic. Road transport, in particular personal, individual transport, which is the major user of road space and generator of urban pollution, needs to be strictly limited.
Traffic congestion, especially during peak hours, is due to a fundamental imbalance between the demand for travel, resulting from the continuous increase in the vehicle fleet, and the limitations of the existing road network.
This situation leads to a vicious circle of increasing energy consumption, worsening urban and noise pollution and a deterioration in the quality of public transport (reduced speed, reduction in frequencies, overloading etc.).
Project Description
Urban Travel Plans (Plans des Déplacements Urbains – PDU) aim to ensure a sustainable balance between the needs of traffic and ease of access to urban centres, on the one hand, and energy saving, protection of the environment and public health on the other. The Plans’ objective is to provide for a coordinated use of all modes of travel, in particular through an appropriate allocation of road space, as well as the promotion of the least polluting and least energy consuming modes of transport.
Urban Travel Plans became compulsory in 2004 through the law on energy management (law 2004-72 of 2 August 2004). In 2009, a law amending and supplementing law 2004-72 was published, which proposed another approach to implementing the Urban Travel Plans, based essentially on the concepts established by law 2004-33 on the organization of terrestrial transport.
Project Partners
- Ministry of Transport;
- Ministry for Local Affairs and the Environment;
- Ministry of Equipment, Housing and Regional Planning;
- Local Authorities.