In the context of national energy saving policy, the constant evolution of vehicle technology, the spectacular development of the vehicle fleet and the strong demand for driving licences, the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME) and the Ministry of Transport (MoT) in collaboration with other organizations in the sector, have set up a training programme for fuel-efficient driving techniques covering all categories of drivers, namely:
- Beginner drivers, through the training of driving school instructors and driving licence examiners;
- Professional drivers, through the training of passenger and goods transport company drivers, and of government drivers.
Project description
The programme consists of teaching techniques of fuel-efficient driving and the rules of preventative maintenance to driving school instructors, MoT driving licence examiners, and professional drivers.
ANME initiated a research study before setting up the programme to promote fuel-efficient driving. This study provided an assessment of the tools and means for allowing the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of training and its impact on the various categories of beneficiaries. The study also assessed the profitability of this action plan through an assessment of the requisite material and human resources in relation to the expected energy savings, together with the plan’s impact on road safety and the reduction of polluting emissions.
In order for this programme to be achieved, a core of local trainers needs to be created, who are authorized to provide training in fuel-efficient driving to the entire target audience.
In quantitative terms, the potential for energy savings was between 0.2 and 1.7 toe (tons of oil equivalent) per driver per annum, depending on the category of driver. The training of an instructor would generate savings of 1.1 toe per year.
Actions Accomplished
In 2018, ANME, through a project supported by Swisscontact, hired IRU Academy for the training and certification of trainers, driving vehicles of all categories, on fuel-efficient driving techniques as well as technical assistance for the development of a specific training programme. The achievements of this project are as follows:
- Drafting of training documents;
- Training and certification of a core of local trainers authorized to provide fuel-efficient driving training to the entire target population;
- Launch of a training centre at the transport and logistics base in Borj Cedria;
- Launch of a public-private co-certified specialized training in the field of fuel-efficient driving at the transport and logistics training base in Borj Cedria;
- Organization of additional training sessions for certified trainers;
- Implementing pilot training courses.
Project Partners
- Ministry of Transport – Ministère du Transport
- Technical Agency for Terrestrial Transport – Agence Technique de Transport Terrestre
- Tunisian Agency for Vocational Training – Agence Tunisienne de la Formation Professionnelle
- Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts – Union Tunisienne de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de l’Artisanat